
Where I will be this Summer

Friday, June 1, 2012

Salir con Espanoles

HOLA!!!! well yesterday (Thursday) was a very very long day!!! It is definitely tough getting back into the swing of things after you have a day off the first week of classes. I got up around 7:30 to get ready for class and then i had spanish class. It's kinda hard being in class at 9am and have to wake up from dreaming and thinking in english and trying to do all that you can with spanish in class. I dont think I could survive if I did not have Bekah or Madi in class. After class, I ended up chilling there for a bit, and I read and did our homework that was due today. I waited because Bekah Madi Jessica and I walk the same way together to where our homes are. We all went home to our host family to eat some lunch. Since I have lunch at 2:45ish I just ended up hanging out with the little girls and played with them and also read my book. It was nice just nice to kind of relax and not do anything. When my host father arrived, we had lunch. We had a seafood pasta dish, I did not eat a lot and feel sick. The dish was really good, a little spicy but I like spicey. After that I just hung out with Eugenia and around 4:45/5pm I went to go meet Cortney so she could get her book for class. I met up with her then her and I met up with Taryn Alli and Shelly at the ISA office, because we all have class. We were talking bout the activity we had last night which was called "salir con espanoles" which means go out with the spaniards. We really did not know what to expect but it was fun. As we were waiting in the Plaza Nueva, for the spaniards to arrive, we met Madi, Jessica Carrie and Bekah and just talked. There was some sort of scavenger hunt going around with the high schools or colleges idk, but we ended up taking pictures with them because they asked us too...and the reason i said scavenger hunt is because they were dressed up in weird outfits but had like all these activities to do for it. We were like why not, we are not goin to see them again. After awhile, the Spaniards came, and we met a few of them and half of our group went to Plaza San Salvador and the others went somewhere else. The group that I was with went to the plaza and met more and the social thing to do in san salvador is get a drink. so everyone had like a sangria or cerveza in their hand. The guys I met were nice but the girls i met were really genuine. They really tried to get to know who we were and I did use my spanish and the guys were kinda of awkward (at least to me) but some of them weren't and we had a good convo...i then met some girls and some members from my group of ISA students and we decided to go get tapas by the cathedral. It was nice and I used a lot of spanish. Afterwards, I exchanged my spain phone number and gave them my facebook name so we can keep in touch this summer. Taryn and I then found the rest of our group and we were all kinda tired but Madi and I decided to go get a glass of wine and we went to a little cerveceria and we talked a lot and learned more about each other and had a good time then it was time for bed!!!

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