
Where I will be this Summer

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jerez y Cadiz

So yesterday we had an excursion to Jerez y Cadiz.  WE had to meet at the hotel at 9am. So I got up early and met Alli by the bridge so we could walk together.On our way to the hotel, we met up with Quique (one of our directors) We got there pretty early and Alli and myself joined Scott (from Tenn.) for a coffee. Well, weall know that I don't drink coffee,but I went with because Alli wanted something to eat and it's also a nice way to know more people.Scott is cool and nice and very TALL!!!He towers me and like everyone else. After our coffee time, we went back to the corner to meet the others. We saw Bekah and Shelly, I called Taryn to see where she and Cortney were and they said they were close. Unfortunately, they could not make the trip. We tried to hold the buses off as long as possible but we couldn't Since they couldn't go, we are thinking a bout going another time when we have a weekend free. Our first stop was to Jerez, it took about an hour so i napped. I was sleepy. When we arrived to Jerez, we stopped at a winery (bodega), it's called Williams and Hubbert. They make Sherries, Brandy and Cognac. We had a tour of the winery and learned a lot. I understood what the lady was talking about because of my AWESOME Beverage Management class with Allison. We also saw some Equestrian Show; the horses were gorgeous. We did that all before we tried the Sherries. It was all fun and we all enjoyed it. When we tried the Sherries...some people at the table where we tried them, were lets say taking the sherries as shots. I wasn't impressed. But they can do what they want. I liked the dry and medium dry ones, the other was was too sweet for me. I went to the gift shop and there we could try spirit taht was similar to was called Crema de Alba. We also tried a Caramel Whiskey. They were quite tastey. I ended up buying 3 things from the winery to bring home so my family could taste them. I hope they like it. After Jerez, we went to Cadiz. CAdiz is the capital of the Province. Cadiz is in the shape of a peninsula, it is covered by three sides of water. It is said to look like old havanah in cuba.  We made two stops in Cadiz, one for those who just wanted to go to the beach and the other was to see the cathedral and climb the tower. some got off at first stop but the others like myself, stayed on. We climbed the tower and man it was a was just a stone stairs. Though my legs and glutes hurt walking up and i got kind of dizzy, it was well worth the climb. It was gorgeous once we reached the top. We took tons of pictures and i was in love with the view. After we saw the view, we went to see inside the cathedral and then walked around. We saw some markets and Scott came with us. WE walked around then got a snack, i just got something to drink because I ate my lunch. After that we went to the beach and and layed out and I went into the FREEZING cold water...but it was refreshing. As it got closer to six, we packed up and headed to our meeting point. We then got on the bus and headed back to Sevilla. I did not fall asleep on the way back which was nice because I got to see what I didn't before. When we arrived in Sevilla, we departed ways and went back to our families. I got back to the apartment and cleaned up then relaxed with the host fam. WE had a nice salad for dinner and yogurt. We watched the news for awhile and talked. I think each of us are opening up more to each other because we talk more at dinner so that's good. Yay!!! Today (sunday) I have plans to relax, go to church, eat in a park and relax and do homework not much but ill let you know how it goes.

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