
Where I will be this Summer

Friday, June 22, 2012


WELL!!! Thursday...was just an ordinary thursday with a quiz in my class and nothing much haha I was quite sleepy and did not get up when I set my alarm and slept in a bit more. It was so nice but I did not want to go to class. I am not sure if it's the heat or just my body telling me to sleep. Well i did go to class and then i slept in the library (2.hrs) on a very uncomfortable couch. I then walked back with Madi and Jessica and we talked a bit. I came back and ate some yummy food then after i went to go sleep. I was passed out for about 2.5hrs. I swear this week has been nothing but feeling tired. I woke up around 5:15 and headed to school. It was terribly hot so i got a small cup of limon sorbet and went to class. We had a quiz in my class and i did quite well. Now just gotta review for final and do project with Cortney and Taryn and Summer 1 is DONE!! Most of our class is going to be gone on Friday so we are going to have a shortened class and very few of us. This will be fun!!! Afterwards, I came back, at dinner with the fam and watched Portugal vs Czech Republic and Portugal Won. If Spain wins against France, Spain will be playing Portugal next.. Germany plays tomorrow and they are the favored team. We will see how it goes...i just want to be laying on a beach in Malaga...oh saturday get here soon!!!

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