
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, May 31, 2012

No school today!!!

So my Wednesday  was nice... I slept in a little.. Until 10. I had breakfast and then showered and got ready for my day. After I showered my host mom invited me to go out with her, the kids to go and meet her aunts and nieces for a little break. I was all for it because it would be nice to meet members of their family a d mingle with locals. I met them and my host mom and her cousins had beer and myself and the two nieces had a pop... I had coca cola light and they had coca cola. I just hung out there and poole watched and listened to their conversation just to see if I could understand. The nieces and I played and listed to the little girl Eugenia  and they asked me some questions and I answered. They seemed nice and I will probably see them again. As I was people watching I noticed that a lot of people smoke here more than USA it may because we have laws that ban it or something...I know it's part of the culture but at same time don't they know it can kill you. After we had the drinks we said our goodbyes and we went back to the apartment. I helped my host mom with lunch and set the table. I brought my iPad out to write my blog yesterday and I had Eugenia sit next to me because I showed her the pics of my family and pups on it. Her mom told me that Eugenia wants a dog so bad. She is really cute. For lunch we had a chicken Ina tomato sauce with some fries and bread and some fruit. I didn't eat a whole lot but enough to fill me. After lunch I made puzzles with Eugenia and we were having fun that I lost track of the time and was late meeting with my friends to go explore. I met with bekah alli taryn Shelly cortney and we met nick on the way to the plaza España. We first wanted to see if we could see the thumb of San Fernando the patron saint of Sevilla. But we couldn't the church was closed. So we stopped in the little stores that were open and just walked along the river towards plaza España. Man it was HOT!!!! We were all hating  the heat and wanted shade. We walked through this park to get to the plaza España. The park was nice and shady for us to rest from the sun.  We saw a little kiosk and I got a water and some go some cold icees. The plaza España is gorgeous so pretty. We took pictures of the fountain the whole  plaza the tile bridges and everything. We were there for a while. We took pictures on bridges in front of the plaza and fountain from different angles and random shots lol. There were little kiosks in the plaza and the girls bought some gifts. I didn't because I'm still going to be here til July so I can look around then remember where I found things and get right before I leave. Taryn was really funny on what she wanted to was cute. We then rested in a small part of the park with shade and running water into at fountain. We felt like our feet were gross so we ended up getting into the fountain which was only 1 inch deep and it was refreshing on our feet. We then left and walked back to the cathedral. We wanted get food so we went by the university of Sevilla.on our way there we saw a big tree that looked like a smaller version of the tree at the animal kingdom in Disney world ... Except it didn't have animals carved into the roots..we took pics. We found a nice restaurant that was cheap. I got two tapas... A thing of chorizo and papas with sauces. It was good. The others got a mix of tapas paella and a sandwich I wasn't that hungry so I didn't get much. Cortney and alli got a sangria that was delicious and it had a ton of fruit pieces! After that nick went home for lunch and us girls walked a bit then sat in front of the Spanish bank because it had a little statue and talked and people watched. It was nice and relaxing and then we all no parted ways and walked to our houses. Sevilla is so pretty at night I was taking pictures. Today ( Thursday) I have class and  there is an event called  salir con los españoles  tonight and we are all going so I won't be with my family  for dinner but I will be for lunch and more before I have my class at 6 tonight. I will let you  know how my Thursday goes in next blog. I'll be posting more pictures on Facebook tonight 

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