
Where I will be this Summer

Monday, June 25, 2012

Malaga Weekend

well 6am and 615am turned into 645am and me being rushed to make sure I had everything. I met Alli at the bridge and we walked to the bus station. When we got to the bus station, we saw Carrie and sat with her. Then Cheyenne, Elise, Madi and Jessica walked in. We got our tickets from Elise and waited by our bus stop. Well the bus was about 20-25minutes late and we were like "Where is the frickin' bus" but then it cam and we were pleased. We ended up putting the food and some of the bags that everyone had under the bus. I just brought my bag on board with me. I ended up sitting with Madi on our way to Malaga. They played a movie on the English movie but in Spanish. So we watched that and then just kind of stared outside the window for a bit. Some girls on the bus were well...LOUD and Annoying. We could hardly hear the movie (and we had headphones). People were staring at them and they still didn't get the message. The bus ride was about 2.5hrs. Not too bad. Once we arrived in Malaga...we had to find the local buses so we had to ask at information desk and we went to go find our bus. We had to take two buses to get to our hostel, The Melting Pot. We had a little trouble to figure out what second bus to take but we figured it out after asking locals...we were using our SPANISH (go us).

We finally arrived at our hostel, and it was really cute..Alli did awesome!!! We couldn't check in until 2pm so we left our stuff in a corner on the patio and went to the beach :) I had to rent a towel because I don't have a beach towel and then we went to the beach. We were right by the beach so it was not a long walk for us. The beach was so nice...i loved it :) We were there for a bit until 2pm. We kept getting into the Meditteranean Sea so we could cool off. It was freezing but it was really nice after. Around 2, we settled into our room...we were all together so that was nice. After we walked around a little bit and got some food for our dinner that we were making. We walked some more just to see what was going on but then we headed back to the beach. Around 6pm we all got ready and showered and into comfy and regular clothes. We met some really cool people at the hostel...they were from all over (France, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, South Africa, Italy). We made friends, we all ended up watch the Spain vs France game and we were drinking together, chatting, smoking some shisha (to us USA people its Hookah). It was so much fun. We ended up going to some beach party after the game and we hung out with the was a good time...minus the walk back to the hostel..that was long!!!

The next day we had to check out at 11:30am. But our bus ticket back was not til later, so we were able to keep our stuff at the hostel and we each did our own thing. Cheyenne, Elise, Carrie decided to walk around and look around Malaga and the rest of us decided to go to the beach and get some more rays!!!! I LOVE the SUN!!!! Well Jessica left us a little early because she had a lunch date with one of the people we met...his name is Jerome and he is french. Really nice guy. We caught some rays and then Alli, Madi and I went to get some food at a little cafe on the beach. We had a lot of seafood, it was good. We also talked about lots of things and just had a good time. After we went back to the hostel and chilled. We played some cards, mingled with the people and just relaxed. It was a good time. Around 630 we all met up and decided to head over the the bus station so we could find out were we were going to be meeting the bus and yay. Instead of dealing with buses, we got two taxis. I love how the Spaniards drive...reminds me of those in Peru!!! Cheyenne, Carrie Alli and I were in one taxi and Elise, Madi and Jessica were in the other. Well our taxi driver took us to the right station while the other taxi driver took the other girls somewhere else.  When we finally got together. we got a small thing to eat because we knew we were not going to be back in Sevilla until late. Jessica and I shared something small and talked about her date and it was good. When we were waiting for our bus, we saw one of our new friends Tom...waiting for his bus to Lisbon.  We chatted with him then we had to board our bus.  I sat with Alli and we just ended falling asleep for whole bus ride. We got back to Sevilla around 12:30 and back to my host house around 1pm. It took awhile to fall asleep but i did. I had a great time in Malaga!!!!

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