
Where I will be this Summer

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day B4 Morocco

WEDNESDAY...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! well nothin spectacular happened just class as usual. and today was like our Friday because no class tomorrow or Friday because it's a holiday tomorrow. Yay!!! Classes were fun and not too bad...just thinking about what I have to do once I am back from Morocco. I am pulling an all nighter because I have to leave for Morocco at 4am...yes 4AM!!!! But meeting Alli at 3:15 so we can walk together so we are safe and yeah. Well after our classes a few of us decided to go get some the place where there as a cute waiter...well waiter wasnt there...its ok but ice cream was good.  I got home for Dinner and it was good....we had milanessa (peruvian dish...or as my host mother said a south american dish) with some was good. I finished book 1 of Fifty Shades of Gray and now on book 2...cant wait to read it and finish book two once i get back from Morocco. Also today was good because I talked to my Mama and Daddy :) but no Becca :( it's ok i know she is working and having fun. I miss them so much and they are excited for my trip. I will be gone starting in about 45min til Sunday around 5. No electronics for me for 4.5days...crazy i know but it's ok.. Morocco shall be an EXPERIENCE!!!!! TIL SUNDAY!!!

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