
Where I will be this Summer

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Well today was just like an ordinary Tuesday...same as monday with a few slight changes. I was feeling better and realizing that I am happy to be in Spain again. This morning Carrie and I went and got a pastry for breakfast and it was taste, but not as good as the French's the truth. I really did not want to be in my spanish class this morning because i slept so so and i just wanted to sleep more when I got up. After class, I was just reading my book and almost done with this one and then on to Fifty Shades of Grey book good (i think). During my free time, we talked about going to Lagos and it be a fun thing to do but with not having many choices on getting makes it difficult. If we took a long weekend it would work because then we could explore and have fun. We will see what we decide. Madi, Jessica and I went to get the schedule for the bus that goes to Lagos and on the way we stoppped for a drink and tapa...let's say it was the best decision...we went to a bar and got a bucket of beers (5) and a tapa for 4 euro...that is a good deal. The three of us just talked and talked about plans and what we missed and some random stuff...we are quite random sometime....well most of the time :). After I went back to my house and relaxed a little and read then had a really good lunch, it was a soup it was quite delicious and I usually don't like soup. After I read and played with the kids and talked to my host mom. After some time I called my dad and talked to him a bit and then i left to go to my night class. When I got the school, I skyped my friend Thuong...aka Timmy :) and we talked and such..he skipped class lol but it was good to see him and talk to him and to see what's going on back in adale. After my skype with timmy, we went to class and talked and conversed about marketing stuff...really exciting's soso. After I asked my professor what he takes for when he goes to Portugal and he said the bus, and that it's 6hrs and that it would be best to go on a long weekend and not a day thing...which makes sense...he gave us some other alternatives and I will discuss those with my friends tomorrow. When I came back i put my phone phone (my personal phone) on the the charger because it was dead and then sat with the family in the family room and played and talked then we had dinner. Dinner was just some tomato, tuna and papa fritas and yogurt for dessert. Eugenia is so funny, im not sure how she is going to be when i leave in july. Im thinking that I might write her a letter (in spanish) and have her parents read it to her...not sure what i will put in the letter but something nice and sweet...maybe some advice...I find my host family a little bit like my family and it's helps me because im not homesick homesick...i do miss my family and dogs and friends a lot but being with the host family ...the one im in...a lot better to deal with the distance. Well im gonna finish my book and nap a little before i get  my LIVE link to watch the Miami and OKC game at 3am...WOAH...GO OKC....OKC ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. At 7:28 of third Q, Heat winning 58-57. Gonna be a barnburner.
