
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, June 14, 2012

recap of past two days (yesterday & today)

Wednesday= perfect day!!! woke up to two txts from fam, a email from Phi and skype message from timmy all about OKC WINNING!!!!!!! yeah buddy!!! OKC all the way!!! i was just in a great mood all day!!! it was good..minus stomach pains that come and go but it was good. Just read my awesome book btw my classes and studied too. Have exams Friday!! nothing big happened, just hung out with friends and decided to scratch portugal from our plans and just head to a beach...nothing too exciting besides OKC really just put me in a good mood :)

Thursday: slow morning...did not wanna get out of bed or eat ..idk what wrong with my tummy since Morocco...i mentioned to folks and Alisa (director at ISA) and if gets worst then I should see a doc..hopefully gets better bc dont wanna see a doc. I just hung out more and did not read during my break because I had to study but during my break of studying i decided to write post cards. When I got back to my house I ate some yummy pasta with tuna red sauce and had water. After i read a little of my book and skyped with Phi...we talked for a bit and i was laughing because he was still groggy from waking up...that is what 6hrs time difference does...because he is waking up and i am half way through my day. we talked and laughed was nice. I went to the school early to study more and chill. Class in the evening was fun, had good discussions and talked to Prof. Nano. (he is really cool) After we went to a bar to watch the Spain game (Spain won) and we had fun..cheering, making friends with locals and of course having some food and drink. It was a small nice place and we had a blast. We walked around and enjoyed each others compan and now im home ready to sleep and then get up and study some more ...have midterms tomo...but should be a breeze...wish me luck....;) adios

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