
Where I will be this Summer

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Recap of Sunday and Monday

Sorry for not updating y'all I've been busy. Well Sunday I slept into about 10. Iate breakfast and relaxed with everyone. Around 12 taryn called me to inform me of the plans. Well at 12:45 we were going to meet I front of the cathedral so we could attend church at 1. We had a little bit of a hard time to figure out the entrance for mass was but we found it! The service was similar to what I am used to because it was a catholic service only difference was that there were no music ( which I love in mass because I like to sing) and another obvious difference is that it was in Spanish. It was nice I picked out a few things thar I understood in the readings and gospel but very little ( priest talked to fast). After mass we walked around a little and headed towards la plaza de EspaƱa. On our way there we saw a huge crowd around this little car that was decorated with Spain's national futbol logo and colors. Shelly was in awe and we took a pic of her and car, the car was In front of this very nice hotel, which is where the team was staying. We took a different way to the park. We found a nice spot where we decided to eat our bocadillos. We talked and when we were all done we walked around the park. After we went to the little kiosks by the plaza and looked. Taryn ended up getting a guitar for her cousin... It's cute. We left the park and walked around and got an ice cream. We then met Beth and walked around more. She wanted ice cream so we went to An ice cream place. We got she water and she got ice cream. Our waiter at this place was cute and very nice to us. He had a nice smile. After we talked about what to do the coming week. Well we couldn't so we decided to part ways. I got back to the house and met my host sisters padrinos ( godparents they were nice). After a while we set up for dinner and then we watched the Spain vs chine soccer game. It was pretty boring because nothing really happened at all. I went to bed and slept really well. Monday was just an ordinary money... Class chill lunch relax class dinner and relax. Lately I've been too tired and think its because the sun takes too much out of me. until my Tuesday is over !!!

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