
Where I will be this Summer

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Compliments :)

so this tuesday i decided to wear a dress...because its so flippin' hott...well i did and i was still hot!! i did however got a lot of compliments from my friends saying that I looked cute :) that was so nice of them. It was nice and my tan sure showed off lol. I studied most of my day except for lunch and when walking to and from school. My exam went stuck on one problem but i should be fine. It is official that my friend Jess and I are going to France :) yay Paris! so excited I cannot wait. end of July...weekend before im back in the states :) yay buddy. Summer 1 is almost over and I am sad to see my summer 1 friends go :( I know we will keep in touch and hopefully have reunions somewhere in US. Only 1 more exam, and 2 presentations then 1/2 way done :) so cool. Until tomorrow...which is hump day!!!!

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