
Where I will be this Summer

Friday, June 1, 2012


TGIF!!!!! It's Friday!!! last day of classes and beginning of the weekend!!!! Tomorrow we have an excursion to Jerez and Cadiz and they have planned stuff for us...I cant wait. Some of my friends who are doing the summer 2 chose to skip out on this one and go in Summer 2 instead. I didn't I was too excited so I will be doing the Cordoba and Granada excursion in July sometime.  Today I woke up kinda late, because I did not want to get out of bed. I just showered and ate and walked to school. TODAY was HOT!!!!! I swear I drink tons of water and pee like every hour...gah craziness!!! Well at least I stay hydrated!!! I attended class and after that I wanted for Madi and Cortney, Jessica and Bekah; because we were going to shop down some streets. I just went with them until I went to have lunch with my host family. While I was waiting for the chicas, I was reading my awesome book on iPad and just relaxing away from the heat.  Around 1, everyone was out and we went shopping...for me it was window shopping. There are a lot of cute stores. When it got closer to 2, i decided to head back because I wanted to be there for lunch. For lunch I had some spinach and cream dish with was delicious and then I had an apple. I ate with my host dad and relaxed. We watched the news for a bit. I was also able to finish my book. on to book # 2 that I have. When my host mom came back we talked a bit about yesterday and just relaxed and I played with the kids. I left around 5pm because I had to go get medicine. I have like a cold and it not sure if its because everyone in spain smokes everywhere and all day (that is a joke about all day but they smoke a lot) don't they know that smoking kills.  Well anywho I got my medicine and took it ASAP...i started to feel better and after a few days I shall be. I met up with Taryn, Alli and Cortney at the school because we have class at 6pm. Alli is in a different class but we hang out before we have to start. Class was fine, we just talked about our project nothing much. Afterwards, we all decided to just go home and relax and not do anything. I came back before my host family did and I started my new book...Book 1 of Fifty shades of gray. It seems like a good read. For dinner we had a Spanish Tortilla, some pate and chorizo and queso then a yogurt for dessert. It was good; no complaints. After I watched part of a movie with my host parents and it was in spanish but with american actors but I never seen the movie out in the states before. It was good (for what I did watch) I left early because I was tired and I have to get up kinda early tomorrow for excursion. There are NEW pics on Facebook...I'll add the ones from Jerez and Cadiz when I get back or on Sunday!! look out Jerez and's gonna be a good time!!! Beach Sun Friends and much more!!!

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