
Where I will be this Summer

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Martes y Miercoles

So Tuesday and Wednesday....nothing really big happened...they haven't been as good as my Monday was but they were decent. Tuesday was just ordinary day and that's about it. We had the chance to visit Los Setas in Sevilla. They are called the Mushrooms because they look like mushrooms. These setas are built on top of an old market roman market which was turned into the medina after the romans and is today still a market.  The figure is all made out of wood. It's crazy because it looks like its metal. You can go to the top of it and see all of Sevilla. It is pretty cool.  We took tons of pics and had fun. After Madi, Alli, Jess and I went to go get something small for dinner. We ordered some tapas and shared and talked. They are nice girls. We talked about a lot, we are also excited for our trip this weekend to Malaga. Should be fun. It was nice then i skyped with Phi and we talked bout what i have been doin here and how the mitten is doin.

On Wednesday...I did not want to get up at all. I was so sleepy. I slept an extra 45 minutes..I really did not want to go to class BUT i did. We got out of class early because our professor had a doctor. A few girls and I went to the cafe down the street to get some coffee (they did i got OJ) and some breakfast. Since I slept in I didn't have time to eat. So i got freshly squeezed OJ and toast. It was good and simple. At 11:30 i met up with some other people from the program and we went to go learn Flamenco...i knew it was going to be interesting. I have no coordination at all...explains why i swam most of my life, i just have to move arms, kick (def work on technique) but just swim back and forth in a pool. It was fun...kinda of got it down. we are doing same thing tomorrow but I am not sure if i'll go. We will see. After our dance lesson I went back to the house and took a 45min nap before lunch and than a 2.15hr nap after...i was so tired. My host mom thinks it's because of the heat. It is really hot here. Around 515 I left for class ... After our Marketing class i wallked back with Alli and we talked and such. We saw a protest going on and we decided to walk a different way just to avoid chaos. I came back and we had a dinner....i ate really light because I really don't get hungry when its hot outside I'd rather drink water and chill.

Those are recaps from Tues and Today. Everyone have a good day.

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