
Where I will be this Summer

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

oh TUESDAY!!!! lol

Well tuesday was just an ordinary tuesday nothing too exciting. I had class, relaxation/reading time and lunch at my host family's...lunch was amazing :) definitely a recipe to take back to the states. After lunch, I just relaxed and stayed at the house til about 5, when i decided it was time to head over for my 6pm class. I wasn't coming back for dinner. We all decided to hit up a restaurant that Taryn and I went to and then we were going to get a drink. We decided to get drinks on Tuesday, because Wednesday was going to be more chill, because some of us were leaving for Morocco. Well, let's say our evening was eventful...we had a good time. It was nice to just hang lose and just do whatever and not worry. I had a local drink called Cucano and Taryn, Cortney, Alli had Agua de SEvilla which was AMAZING then others had Sangria (Bekah, Shelly and Cortney) Red Wine (Madi) and Tinto de Verano (Jessica) We sat down and had a good time then went to another place with some music but it wasn't hopping, so we ended up getting discounted drinks :) yay go us...instead of 7 euros we paid 5 (well a few of us ...thanks to me:) ) We did not get back late...normal Spanish time 1/130. It was a school night. lol It was a must needed girls night!!! Yay Tuesday

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