
Where I will be this Summer

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Heyo, sorry havent posted in a while...been busy and not a lot of things have happened.

Wednesday = poop day lol it was because i was so hot and i felt terrible lol it happens BUT Spain played Portugal and SPAIN WON!!!!

Thursday was not bad, had a presentation and got a 93 on it so i was happy. After class we went out with the ppl who were going to be leaving because summer 1 was over. It was sad. Taryn, Cortney and  I went to this little place and got a drink. Taryn and I had Aqua de Sevilla and Cortney had a Gin Fizz. Umm, the drinks were not that good, but it is what it is. We met a nice English couple, we asked them to take a picture of us and we conversed a little. After Madi and Jess met up with us and then Jess, Madi and I went to meet up with Alli and Elise. Taryn and Cortney went home because they were gonna eat dinner and pack.  We wanted to go to this English Pub, but since the Germany and Italy game was on it was FULL. We went to the place next door and had a glass of wine. After that Alli took us to this cute little restaurant and we got a dessert and a nice drink. It was only 5euros not a bad deal. After that I went home because I was carrying some school stuff and didn't wanna haul it around with me.

Friday was sad day. I had my last presentation and my summer 1 friends were leaving. Next week is going to be weird because there is going to be like no one in the school. We are only having 8-10 new people come and there are 25 of us who are staying that already did summer 1 so instead of the 90 some we had now will have like under 35ppl. CRAZY.  Well we were supposed to meet for our marketing class but only Tyler and I showed up so we went to a cervercita with our Prof and talked and had drink. It wasn't bad. After I met up with Madi and Jessica for dinner then we went out for a bit.

Saturday was not bad, the weather was nicer. I slept in...which was nice. I watched the movie War Horse in Spanish and talked to my mom and phi. I had lunch with the family and then went out and met Carrie and Cheyenne at La Plaza de Espana. It was a lot of fun!!! We walked around took pics and walked inside the park. Clara, a friend from Malaga met up with us and her and I decided to go shop...for me window shop. I really dont wanna spend money at all until the end of my trip. I saw some cute things but didn't buy any.  After I just came back to the house.When I came back, my host mom and her sister-in-law, was at the house and they were watching desperate housewives. It was nice to see the show in spanish. After that, we ate dinner which was light just some turkey sandwich. Then my host mom and I watched another episode of Desperate Housewives. It reminded me of being home and watching movies with my mom and sis :) i miss them. They also invited me to go to the beach with them next weekend at their beach house they have, and I am excited for it because some of my friends are going to be gone on the Cadiz and Jerez trip. So it all works out.

Tonight is the final of the EUROCUP...VIVA ESPANA!!!! Going out with friends tonight to watch it :)

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