
Where I will be this Summer

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday = New people for Summer 2

Well, ISA office was really quiet and sad. I miss my Summer 1 friends. Today was first day of classes, I didn't have my first class, because the new people had to take their language exam. So i had class at 3:30 with Carrie and Kaitlyn. The E.U class seams interesting and fun...there are only 8 of us so not to crazy.  I went shopping, because i needed to break my 50 euro, so I bought a cute dress for 12,99 euro..quite a deal because it was 25,99euro. I think I may wear it to my friends wedding which is in 1month 2days :) yay can't wait!!!! We also had dinner with the 12 new people for summer 2. We had some tapas and they were yummy. We mingled then Madi, Jess, Me Cheyenne, Carrie and two new girls , Kirsten and Stephanie, went out for a drink and we just had a chill night. Nothing crazy, because they were tired and it was along day for them.  They seem like a good group and that the 32 of us now will all get a long and enjoy the next few weeks together. I like the new group but do miss my friends from Summer 1.

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