
Where I will be this Summer

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hump day!!!

Well I slept like poop. Woke up at like 440 in the morning and couldn't fall asleep. I ended up going back to bed around 630. While I was awake I was on Facebook twitter and pinterest . I pinned a lot!!! I found some things that were cute or funny and shared then on the walls of my friends Facebook page. I then ended up callin asleep at like 630 and then woke up at 8 and still got to class by 850!!! That's some awesomeness right there. Well classes went well both easy and long. We had a debate in Spanish and it was funny and interesting. At 145 we had a tour of the cathedral. It is gorgeous and the 3 rd largest in the world!! It's so pretty inside. We also went inside the ghiralda which has 34 little ramps that are kinda a pain in the butt to climb but it's a workout legs and butt are gonna look good :-) lol it was nice I enjoyed it. I also found out that there is a kayaking outing on Monday next week that I'm thinking about doing its only 10 euro and it's at night on the river where u can see Sevilla lit up at night. Still thinking about doing it. Well that's all for my wednesday.

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