
Where I will be this Summer

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tuesday hasta Domingo (spanglish i know)

Just wanna say sorry for not being on top of my blogging....things have been busy and I have forgotten to do this everyday. So here is a recap from Tues to Sun

Tuesday: new schedule.
Had class at 9am. I have class with a mix of ppl, some from summer 1, summer 2 and some others who are here with another school program. They are all nice and the professor is really cool. During the day, I did not do much, I am so happy that I can go back during lunch for meals, I can eat earlier instead of getting bocadillos every day. So I am a happy camper, minus walking back to class at the hottest time of day. Tuesday was just a really chill day, we are going to go all out for the 4th of July.

Wednesday= 4 of JULY!!! 
Well, we Americans in Spain celebrated our 4th of July with style. We pretty much rocked our Red, White and Blue all day. It was pretty awesome. We still had class and so I went to class and had a good time. Wednesday Night a few of us went to this Texan Saloon and had dinner and a few drinks. After, we met up with some other people from our program and got a drink at one place before going to this bar that had a shot for each state in the USA. I have become a fan of this beer called Desperado in Spain, it is beer and tequila. It tastes like cider to me. Well at the new place we had one and then since we were celebrating our Independence day, we took a shot for the state we are from. I took 2 though, one for IL and then I got talked in to taking one for where i go to school. Lemme say the IL shot is better than the MI one. Also at this place, there were all different banners and such of different FB teams, and schools. To my surprise I saw 2 GVSU triangle banners. One with the traditional GV logo, the one with the "V" inside the "G". Then I saw the Louie the Laker one too. I was so shocked that I took pictures of them just to have it. Almost  all the Chicago Teams were represented, Bears, Sox, Bulls, Cubs but no Blackhawks :(. And since they were there...i also took pics of them :) Yay Chicago Teams!!!! After we went to another bar because it looked like it had a dance floor. Well we weren't there was too small for our group. We were there for a little before going to one that had a big dance floor. We were there for a while and we all danced and had a good time...both summer 1 and 2 and locals. 

Thursday; the day after....
Well I felt AMAZING...I really did. I was up early and was ready to take on my day. I did dress in comfy clothes tho because I didn't want to wear jeans and a cute top. Well, I was surprised at how many people showed up to class (especially morning class) there were a few who did not come but we can each miss 2 days and not get penalized.  Thursday was just chill, nothing big. Just an ordinary day at ISA office. I ended up staying in that night to just be with my host family. 

Friday= another ordinary day.
Nothing really happened in class...some people were leaving for the weekend to go see the Running with the Bulls. Others were going to Cadiz and Jerez (like i did in summer 1) and staying in the area. I really did not have plans I just wanted to relax. My host mom and I were discussing books, I have read a lot while being here :), i know i do read...weird lol. She recommended two authors to me and I wrote down their names and titles of books. 

Saturday= was HOT.
I ended up going out with a friend to this 3 story mall in her part of town. I bought some cute clothes and we had a really good time. We enjoyed the mall, then our lunch right by the mall then a nice convo in the park. We just talked about our class we have together and how we view things . We learned a lot about each other and we have some things in common. It was nice. I enjoyed my day. After, I got back I got ready to go out with my host family for dinner. We went to a nice tapas place and had about 5 different tapas. Fish, shellfish and chicken. It was all good. We then went to the club that they belonged to and walked through there and then got an ice cream. It was a nice night out with the family. After that I met up with Madi and Jess and we went out on calle betis. I wanted to hear bout how they liked Cadiz and Jerez. They enjoyed it. It was a nice evening out with them. 


Today was a day of doing nothing but homework and reading. I finished yet another book and i did my homework. Nothing really exciting. I hung in my room and did homework but then I also hung out with my family in the salon and read. It was funny, my host parents and I were all ready while the two little ones were playing. 

To another week....usually same stuff to come but if anything exciting comes I'll post..Plans for weekend are to go to this amusement park in is like a six flags. can't believe after today I am in the teens until im back home. 19days starting tomorrow. I have been learning a lot about myself, the culture here and of course spanish. I will be taking in the most out of these next few days. I do like it here and could see myself here maybe for a while working or something but i do miss my family puppies and friends and of course my AC and outdoor pool (Oakhurst North Pool I want to jump in you now)

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