
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Last week in SEVILLA

can't believe this is my last week in sevilla...only tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.

Tuesday was normal, class and class and had a quiz. I rocked my quiz ... see i study even when having fun. :)       i ended up packing tuesday night because couldn't sleep and everthing fits :)  yeah. i decided that wednesday will be my day to get gifts for the fam and the host fam.

Wednesday: had class and class but then shopping. I got gifts for the host fam just to say thanks for their hospitality. I really like my host family and I will miss them a lot. I have enjoyed my stay here a lot.

Thursday: had an exam then more exam tomorrow then donzo. I got the gifts for my home at home home and i finally packed everything and yeah :) today was sad though because MJ is not going to be at the office tomorrow or coming to the airport with us so i was sad, because today is the last day i get to see her. she is great and such a sweetheart. I have a pic with her and Quique our other director. he will be at the bus tomorrow but not coming with us to the airport :( so sad. tonight i plan to give my host fam gifts and eat with them then grab a drink with friends tonight :)  tomorrow is a day of class class and waiting for the bus and running through a checklist in my head til im on the bus. im going to be sad tomorrow but i am also happy to be going home because i do miss the people at home and my AC and my puppies :)

until tomorrow

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