
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, July 26, 2012

i KNOW....i slacked

why hello everyone....i know i am so sorry for not posting, things have just come up and i forgot and yeah...lemme up date you...

Sunday the 15th....I ended up going to alcazar. We went early so we could beat the crowds. I was told that we were going to leave by 9am, well we didnt leave til about 1030. Typical Spanish ways, but that's okay. Alcazar was GORGEOUS...took so many pictures of the gardens and the buildings itself. Eugenia was funny, she acted like a typical kid. It was cute. Alvaro, my host dad, explained to me the history of the Alcazar and the architecture....he is an architect so he can talk about it for days. He also mentioned that he worked at the Alcazar for a few years doing research and such. I found it interesting. After that, we walked around a little bit then headed back to the house. Back at the house we had lunch and relaxed nothing too exciting.

Monday 16th, Typical long day of classes :( Spanish at 9am and EU at 3:30. We were all gettin excited for Kayaking on Tuesday. I love kayaking and havent kayaked since my WVHS days in our oh AP Swimming (that is what we called it) how i miss you. It was such an easy class.

Tuesday the 17th: KAYAKING DAY!!! before kayaking that night, I had class...i know boring but it is what it is. Kayaking was that night at 8pm. We hauled ass to get to the place we were kayaking. MJ, our director like sprint walked and maneuvered around people, i was impressed by this. I find myself able to do this but she has some talent. We finally got to the Kayaking thing and there was the option to do single and double persona kayaks. I did not mind either way. I ended up kayaking with MJ :) was it INTERESTING. let's say we weren't in sync  with one another for a for awhile and it was hard because we are really short/tiny people and yes we had difficulty. It was funny though. We were kayaking for about 3hrs. it was awesome. The people who ran the kayaking took pictures of us and we all had a good time. We were drenched by the end of the night and cold but it was a blast.  i loved it.

Wednesday 18th. again nothing too exciting just class as usual and it was hump day so that was cool, because that meant another day closer to the weekend. and for the weekend was going to be in Paris which is AWESOME!!!

Thursday 19th: just like wednesday meant another day closer to Paris and i am so excited.

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