
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, July 26, 2012



Friday Morning I left to meet Jess at Hotel Bequer so we could grab a taxi and head to the airport and get on our flight to Paris. We met up at like 530am. The taxi driver drives CRAZY. he was like speeding way over the speed limit. We got there and we were impressed how fast we got there. WE were told to treat our trip like an international flight, so we arrived 2hrs before. We got to the airport and had to find RyanAir's desk to checkin and figure out gate but we didnt end up finding gate when we checked in at the desk. After check in we went to security and did that and then we had breakfast. I had some bread, oj and jamon. so did jess. It was filling and simple. we hung out and talked. We found out our gate about 45min before boarding so we went to the gate and waited in line. RyanAir has no specific seat for you so you get to pick your seats. Luckily we got there earlier than the others so we could get on plane quicker and get seats together. We both slept on the flight, because we were tired. The plane took about 2.5/3hrs. We got off and went to go see if Jerome was picking us up or we had to get cab. We were both hungry so we got something to eat before. I got an Orangina (french yummy pop) and a croissant filled with chocolate :) french croissants are more flakey and tastey than spanish one or american ones...they know what they are doing. We found Jerome and to our surprise, he brought us some treats too but I was full and didn't eat any of it...Jess did.

Jerome lives on a military base and it is in Versailles, not Paris. It's about 30/40minutes from Paris. He gave us a tour of the base and we met some of his friends when we went for lunch on the base. The spoke little english so we communicated a bit. After we ended up relaxing for a little, to have the food digest then we went on a "bike ride". i put bike ride in quotes because it was more of like a ride through all of versailles. We biked to the gardens of versailles and these bikes are not made for short people like me. after taking some pictures around the castle and gardens we then biked through the city itself. It was a lot of fun and a work out at same time. That night one of Jerome's friends came over and we had some wine and pizza and watched Dexter and Spartacus...spartacus is sick i need to finish season one and 2. :)

Saturday= Paris
We kind of got an early start on our day. We had breakfast then got ready for Paris. We went everywhere. We saw all the tourist sites and it was awesome. we went to sacre couer, eiffel tower, notre dame, louvre, arc de triomphe champs elysees. It was an amazing day with some great people. we ate at a good places and had some good wine and the food was pics say it all :)  We learned how to take the metro and i think i am pro at it now and we learned some french and we tried our best to sound them was all fun:)

Sunday: We ended up going back to Paris and do some shopping and have fun. We met up with Cesar and Jerome's sister and Cesar's aunt, uncle and cousin. We met them on the Champs Elysees to watch le tour de was really cool. We had a lot of fun and it was super nice. After Paris, we went back to Versailles and relaxed. Jerome made some food, we had crepes for dessert and some wine :) and rocher ferrero chocolate and Spartacus. That is about it. we didnt do much. IT was a nice relaxing night.

Monday: we leave Paris :( the weekend flew and now i was sad to leave because Paris is one of my favorite cities. It's so pretty and the food is nom  nom and yeah. i love it.  We had our flight at 445 but Jerome couldnt bring us to the airport so we had to take the metro and a bus. We didn't get lost so that was good. We got to the airport and had bfast and lunch, we didnt eat at all til we got to airport, then our flight was delayed and such so  i sent a msg to my host fam. It took forever, we waited and waited. it was poop. once we got there, we ended up finding two seats in back of plane but that was ok because the crew opens the front and back exits for people to board and get off. We slept on flight and we got back to sevilla.  I got back to sevilla just in time for dinner then i crashed ...

Paris is amazing and if you have the chance to go...GO...i love the city and hoping next time i can have my loved ones with me :)

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