
Where I will be this Summer

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Día en Madrid

Dia en Madrid So my full day of Madrid was awesome. Woke up around 730 because I was gonna walk with my friend madi but the hours were set hour back on her phone. So I was up and did some stuff on. Internet. Then got some breakfast... Some plain yogurt fruit n pan con jamon. Then got ready and then we went on a tour of the city which is what we were supposed to do on first day. It was nice we saw the city then we were dropped off at the real palacio where the royals use for special events but do not live in... They actually live outside the city of Madrid. It also has over 2000 rooms. We then walked around going to different plazas and seeing the architecture. there is architecture that represents the arabic influence Spain but not much but you can pic up things. We also went to the plaza mayor which was quite interesting because today is day that there was s big fútbol game between Barcelona and Bilbao ...they are huge rivals people all over came to watch game. It was interesting and different because us American love fútbol Americano aka football. We also saw a mercado that is market that had you buying food drinks in a decent size was packed and smelled good. We also went to the plaza del sol which was cool its a big plaza. After that we went to lunch. Kinda had a hard time to find the street we wanted because there ar so many side streets and we kinda went in a circle and we finally figured it out when we asked a police officer for directions in spanish. We stopped by a small cafe. The waiters were nice and I talked to one of them explaining why we are here and such and all in Spanish!!! Lol. There were 8 of us so I sat with Becca and madi and then Kelsey David Shelly and ally sat at the other table. I had a croissant with chorizo in beer for lunch and Becca had same and madi had a beer and salmon tosta. After that we walked on calle atocha back to the hotel then wee went on a trip to el museo del Prado which we say painting fromm Goya Greco Velázquez it was really cool the museum but we couldnt take pictures :-( but I like art and enjoyed it. By the end of the tour I was pooped out and ready for a siesta. After the tour of the museum we all decided to either go nap or eat well I chose sleep and went to bed for 2 hours. We all met in the lobby around 730 and we decided to go out and go eat and find a spot to watch the fútbol, game. We ended up meeting up with Taryns friend who is here in Spain for grad school her name is Sara We went to a restaurant with her and met up with some of her friends. We ended up meting up at the plaza del sol. We the took the metro which was cool only a euro and 50 cent euro ( idk how u say the sent part of the euro lol. I'll have to google) we took the metro to a more residential area and went to a restaurant called the drunken duck. It was really nice and chill. We ordered food and watch the game. I had minisalchicas which is I'll sausages and it came with fries. I enjoyed it but didn't finish. I also got a drink that Sara suggested and it's very common in Spain it's called cerveza con limón or a beer with some lemon fanta..l have realized that fanta is very popular here. We had fun and took the camera out and we all took pics of the group ( for most of us it's of people we are traveling with because most of the pics thus far are of things I've seen in Spain like buildings and statues not of people or myself lol) we were out til about 12 and we took the metro back to the stop right by our hotel. Once I got back I was on the Internet for a bit then passed out in my bed on my last night in Madrid ... I have to get up early because going toledo in the morning and there are only two elevators and I have big bags lol so gonna get down to lobby early. Ok hasta mañana.


  1. Whoah, what's will all the beer pics? Probably someone else's Food looks AWESOME!!!

  2. Euro cents are called Euro cents (how about that?). So you can say 1 Euro and 50 Euro cents (very awkward), or simply say one and a half Euros.
