
Where I will be this Summer

Friday, May 25, 2012

Día 1 parte 2

Parte dos well the hotel we are staying at is amazing!!! Se llama NH Nacional super nice and I have made some friends so yay go me! Lol yesterday a few of us we're hungry so myself plus three girls ( Shelly from GA, jesicca from MI and maddie from OKLAHOMA.) they are nice girls we we t out to this restaurants for tapas bec we weren't that hungry so we went to this cafe called los zuritos it was good I got a tosta which is nice toasted bread with some topping I had foie confitura de manzana y virutas de jamón ...or in English it's Foe ( which idk what it is it's some kind of fruit preserve ) apple preserve with shaved ham on toasted bread ... This was quite tastes or TASTE lol...I had a nice bear with it too. The others got a seafood tosta one thT was like a quiche and another that was a type of fried chicken with a nice sauce. Mad die had a nice red wine and the others had water and sangria. We walked around a bit just up la calle ( calle = street) atocha ( Madrid is very hilly... Great workout for legs lol) we walked around til it was siesta time ( that's where stores close and people take time for themselves and relax) we then got back to the hotel for meeting but I took a small nap. Meeting was interesting at times just like an orientation. We were gonna do a bus tour last night but stuff was going on in the city so we couldnt so the girls plus some new faces and I walked along another calle and found another cafe this one was called cafe Amanda. The lady who served us was nice and we each got some food and a drink I had a nice Spanish white wine and in sandwich for my dinner even though dinner should at 9-11pm but I am still adjusting to the Spanish ways. We walked around then we de died to go back to the hotel and relax and then meet up later to go out and see what the people of madrid do at night. We knew a few members of our group were goin out but we were wanting to chill so we went to a nice cute and cheap place for a drink. I got a common beer that spainards drink. The other had wine and sangria we watched people and got to know each other then we came back to hotel and I called and emailed people back Ann states then it was time to hit the hay... Sleep is good... Can't wait for more adventures in madrid ...till then.

1 comment:

  1. Tina, how about using spell check?

    Also, post some pictures. You should be able to set up a gallery page with blogspot.

    We're thrilled to see you're enjoying yourself.

    Love you,

    Mom and Dad
