
Where I will be this Summer

Monday, May 28, 2012

Primer Dia en Sevilla

Pues (well) my first day in Spain was quite eventful. I woke up around 7:30 and got ready. I left the apartment about 8:15am and headed to the Plaza Nueva. I brought a notebook, and my purse with camera, money and iPad because the ISA office has internet so if I had a break in between class I was going to go on it. I took the same route I took there, minus going the other direction. It was such a gorgeous day and I knew it was going to get HOT!!!. As I crossed the bridge, I met up with Ally by chance before we crossed the main street to get to the Plaza Nueva. We walked together and talked about the family we are staying with. We saw the beautiful scenery and once we reached Plaza Nueva we met up with the others. We all came from different directions, there are about 8 different ways to get to the Plaza Nueva. We all then followed Quique (another director) to the ISA office to go take our placement test. I was a little nervous for the placement test but in my head I was thinking that it was going to be fine. The classrooms at the university are small and fit about 20 students. We were handed the exam and we had 40minutes and 80questions to answer...which was similar to the practice exam on my student portal account. The exam was not too bad, there were some questions where I blanked out and thought it could have been one of two answers and then there were some that I knew what it was and yeah. I freaked out a little on the last page because time was almost up but i finished. After that we all were in the main lobby of the ISA office discussing the exam and discussing what we thought of it and where we would be placed. Before we left to part ways, we were told to return at 1:45pm to get our schedule. We all then took a small walking tour of Sevilla with Quique and saw where things were and such. After a few of us wanted a cafe (not me because I don't drink coffee) to get something to drink and light to eat. We went to a cafeteria and each got something small, because we were not that hungry. We then walked around the streets and looked at shops and window shopped.  We decided to go see the cathedral, on our way to the cathedral we saw people protesting about was kind of loud and annoying and I thought it was disrespectful to do it in front of the cathedral but that is me. We walked into the cathedral and the alter was gorgeous and the details inside were quite pretty. A few of us talked about going to a service and I believe we are going to one this Sunday. We then left the cathedral and walked around some more. We sat by the First Spanish bank and chilled, we people watched a bit (which is always fun, wherever you are). We saw gypsy women handing out rosemary and we kept our distance from them. WE walked around more before we headed back to the ISA office to get our schedule. Once we got to the office, we kind of cooled off (the office has AC...yay). Getting our schedules was interesting, it took awhile but we were patient. Some had class right at two so they went to class and the rest of us went to do what we wanted. Cortney and I decided to go sit somewhere and get something to drink and eat the bocadillos that our host family had given us. It was nice, because I go to know Cortney a little bit more and where she lives and such. When we were at lunch we were aproached by people hwo begged for money and we ignored them because that is what we have been told to do so we did. I feel bad but at the same time when you give into them, they will ask for more and more. Once we were done with lunch she and I walked around and then Taryn called me and we met up with her and walked more and met up with Shelly and Bekah and explored. We had class at 6 (myself, taryn and cortney and bekah and Shelly had one at 4), we found a Flamenco Museum which was just down some side street by our ISA office and we looked around and saw that they give English tours on Thursdays and we also found out that if we wanted to, we could take a flamenco class (we all want to do it) Once we got back to the ISA office, we decided to chill around there and kinda relax so we went to the 2nd floor and looked at the library. Taryn and I looked at books of Morocco, because we are going there next week and Ally then met up with us there. WE were relaxing and then I called my family (the ones who live in IL) and Phi and talked to them for a bit and texted Becca, Phi, Timmy. It was nice and peaceful. When it got closer to 6, Taryn and Cortney and myself decided to see if our international marketing book was in the library and it was so we looked through it, we met our teacher a little bit before we started class. Once it was 6 we entered the class and sat down. Our teacher's name is Alfonso Osuna but we can call him Nano (like the iPod nano...that is what he referred his name We took attendance and did small introductions, learned about him and he actually atteneded CMU (Central Michigan University) for undergrad and grad school...interesting). WE went over rules and what is expected of the class. He told us funny stories of examples of what not to do after teaching for 14 years. He is a funny guy and it seems like I will like his class. After class, all the students with ISA Sevilla had to meet up to go to a meeting at a hotel and a reception/ welcome dinner. We (Taryn, Cortney and I) met up with the other group of girls we have been going around places with and we talked about our day and what we did and how class was then we left the ISA Office around 815.The hotel was kinda far (like i mentioned my legs and glutes are gonna look Once we were at the hotel, we went into a conference room and listened and such; it was mostly about the insurance and the activities to come up this week. Not long and not boring, quick and simple. We then headed to the hotels pool for the welcome dinner, we had some tapas de mariscos and paella con mariscos and pollo...some traditional spanish food. We sat together as best we could at a table that fits four and there were 6 of us at one table. We mingled with others and the directors and then decided to leave around 10ish pm. We took the same way we got there because it would be simple and none of us wanted to walk along because we are not yet familiar with the area.  Taryn and Cortney went off their way and the rest of us (bekah, madi, jessica, ally, shelly and I) headed towards the other way. Sevilla is pretty at night with all the lights and such.  We talked about plans tomorrow and where to meet up and such and then we each departed ways. Shelly was first to go, then the rest of us went one way for awhile then Madi and Jessica went another way. Ally and I walked Bekah to her bridge that she needed to cross and Ally and i walked to our bridge that we needed to cross then went our own way. I was the one who suggested to text or call each other to let us know that we each made it safe to our own house and we did...go us for not getting lost!!!! Tomorrow i have two classes and a meeting with a lot of free time. I have a class at 9 and 6 so I  will be having lunch with my host family and maybe a siesta then meeting with some of the girls before class around 430 then class and a hang out with the girls after our morocco meeting. Busy and full day! Hasta manana!!! Buenas Noches

1 comment:

  1. Can you tag the group pic, like in FB? It would be nice if we could put a name to the face.

    Sounds like days are full, yet also slow. NICE PACING!!

    Love you,

    Illinois family
