
Where I will be this Summer

Monday, May 28, 2012

Host Family and Sevilla

After lunch we still had a two hour drive to Sevilla (my final destination). As we got closer, I was getting nervous to meet my host family, I wasn't sure if they would like me or if I would like them. We arrive like 15 minutes at our stop where our host family is to meet us and my stomach was churning; i was really nervous, I wanted to curl up in a ball and rock (that's what i do when I am nervous). Once I got off the bus, I saw a tall, tan man with a cute little girl on his side, and right then and there I knew that was my host family. I retrieved my luggage and waited for MJ (one of the directors) to call my name. She called my name and I was right, the tall, tan man was my host father and the little girl was my host sister. I met them and gave a kiss on each cheek (which is a common in Spain) and we went to the car. The little girl was really cute, she helped my pull my small carry on. We then got into the car and it was quiet for a bit then started talking. I talked to my host dad about me and where I am from then the little one started talking to me about Hello Kitty. It was about a 10 minute drive from our pick-up spot to the apartment. Once arrived to the apartment, I met my host mother and the other little girl (another host sister) again I gave a kiss to each one on the cheeks. My host mother showed me her room and I set my luggage down. I have a bed, night stand, wardrobe, bathroom and a small desk. It's cute. After I put my luggage in my room I went to the family area and sat with the family and gave them gifts, that I had brought with me for them. They enjoyed their gifts and were thankful. We then started talking in spanish about me and what I like to do and I asked questions about the rules, when lunch is and etc. I was polite, and used the best of my spanish I could. They said that they could understand me and that with words that I do not know how to say, I just explain what the word is. It's kinda nice to think to explain because it helps me to remember what the word is. After about an hour/ hour and a half, I decided to unpack my things. I told my host family that I was going to meet up with some friends from the program to find the Plaza Nueva, because the next day we would have to meet there in the morning to then go take a placement test for the spanish class (eekk haven't taken a spanish class for a semester). I ended up meeting up Shelly at the Plaza Nueva around 730ish/745; I was going in the wrong direction of the plaza for about 5minutes before I realized it but I found it. My walk to the Plaza Nueva is gorgeous, I pass by the third largest Cathedral in the world, also the place where Columbus is buried. There are nice stores down the street and it's about a 15min/20min walk; so not too bad. With all this walking; in Madrid, Toledo and now Sevilla, my legs and glutes are gonna be firm and look good. LOL. . As I was waiting for her to get to the Plaza Nueva, I met up with the guy I was talking to at lunch...his name is Brady and he is with the St. Edwards program, him and his roommate Bradley were looking for the ISA office and I thought it would be a good idea to go and I suggested we wait for Shelly; so we did. Once Shelly met us at the centro de la Plaza, we also met up with two other kids, John and Nick. We all went on an adventure to find this can get so CONFUSED!!! I ended up leading for a bit since I am good at directions (most of the time) but the little side streets on the maps do not show up on the map that I was given so I was getting frustrated and let someone else take the role of me I did not end up finding it because I had to hurry back for Dinner at 9pm. I returned to the apartment around 8:50pm. I cleaned up a bit and asked my host family if they needed help; but they didn't so I ended up sitting with the two little girls in the family area. We had burger meat, that was friend a little with breading about the size of my palm, some jamon (ham) and cheese and a yogurt for dinner. In Spain, lunch is the biggest meal. At dinner we ate and had a nice conversation and watched the news. I was able to understand the news and I asked questions about Sevilla and they asked me questions about Chicago and the States. It was a nice conversation and not too long. When it was getting late, I helped clean up the table and then said good night and pretty much passed out. I made sure to set two alarms to get up and shower for my First Day in Sevilla with meetings and classes...wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tina, post a picture of the building where you're living.
