
Where I will be this Summer

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Madrid a Toledo

So today woke up at 630 and got ready because we had to be in the lobby at 9 am with our luggage and I have a carry on a big bag and a backpack so I got a lot and the big bag is half of me or more. Lol. Well around 745 I went down to breakfast and had fruit and pan and some mango and pear juice. It was nice. When I was done I went to the room and got my stuff and took the elevator down... Definitely beat the crowd lol yay go me!! We walked to the bus in group which happened to be a block and a half away and we definitely looked like tourists haha but it's all good. I boarded bus once my luggage was on bus and then I brought backpack on bus with me and wrote the dia en Madrid blog. I sat with Shelly on our way to Toledo. We knew we were gonna be walking and have a mandatory meeting so I took a nap on bus so I could survive. I woke up at right moment when we arrived in Toledo. I took a bunch of pics from us and then when our tour guide boarded the bus we then stopped at a few sites and got out and looked around. We then got off and started our walking tour. We went to a Montessori and we had a Spanish speaking guide for our tour. She talked kind of fast but she was pleasant and nice. We walked around saw a mosque and the cathedral in Toledo. Toledo is the old capital of Spain before Madrid. In Toledo there is a lot of influencia de Los arabes judíos y católicas. It's very interesting here! When we drove into Toledo everyone was in awe because its so different from Madrid. I find Toledo like the Europe you expect to see for me it kind of reminds me parts of France where my family and I have visited. Our guide took us into the little streets with shops and we window shopped kinda of like Verona Italy ... We also saw one of Greco's famous paintings in a museo but could take pic because pics were forbidden and I don't wanna get in trouble. We then had time for lunch so we walked around looking for a place to go. We couldn't for a while but then we found a statue of Miguel Cervantes and took a picture with him like as a group then just me!!! Miguel Cervantes is like Shakespeare to us Americans he wrote don Quijote. We then found a nice cervecería and the girls ( Kelsey madi Shelly taryn ally Becca and Courtney and me) ate at. It was nice and we were in the sun and I got some color ( yay tan) lol we the walked around looking at shops and we see a lot of fans here and taryn and I want to buy one but they will be cheaper in the south so we are anxiously waiting. We met up with the group around 4pm to go to our hotel. The hotel we are staying at is called hotel Beatriz it's quite nice and pretty, it's in the modern part of Toledo away from the historic sites. Plus there is FREE wifi...yeah buddy! The rooms are nice and bigger than those in Madrid. The hotel itself is quite busy because there are like 3 weddings and 2/3 communions happening at the hotel. The group of girls i Hang out with decided it be best to take a nap before our meeting so we did. The meeting was not bad... Not too bad mostly stuff on culture and what to expect for tomorrow and to see which bus we are on tomo because we meet our host family Tomo .. Little nervous but excited to settle instead of constant moving around and hauling my luggage everywhere lol. After the meeting we decided to go get food do we over heard another group going tow pizzeria and I asked them where it was and that we will meet them because we were waiting on people. Well let's just say it was an adventure but we found our way and we got some help From a nice lady who helped us to get to the street we needed to. It was just myself taryn Becca Courtney ally and Shelly who went to dinner we ordered a large pizza margarita it wasn't like an American pizza at least to me it was nice we each had a slice and each had a third of a slice. I had thT and a cocacola light aka diet come. We then took our trip back to the hotel and then decided to call it a night and we are all meeting up for breakfast at 8. Tomo is going to be a long day and a long day on a bus so I'm charging up m electronics. Well until tomorrow... Buenas noches todas!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a good trip to Sevilla, and that you like your host family. Yes, we're sure it will be a huge relief to ditch that bag in your room for 2 months!

    Keep taking pics and posting.

    Love you,

    Mom and Dad
