
Where I will be this Summer

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Primer dia con mis clases negocio y español

Clases en SevillaWell today is the day where I had all my classes that I signed up. I am taking intermediate Spanish and international marketing. My international teacher Nano is cool. My teacher for Spanish seems nice her name is María José she reminds me a little bit of my tía gutti they share similarities in the face. Maria Jose is from Galicia , which is up in northern Spain. Class was fine, I have class with Madi and Bekah. Bekah and I sat together and we had an activity to do and we meet a girl from Kansas city and one who is from France. The girl from France shares the same name of my cousin.... Clemence! I found it interesting and then I asked her if she new where Brittany was and she knew. The first day of class was not bad pretty simple. After class I met up with Shelly and went to the bank and went to buy two notebooks for each of my classes and 2 pencils. We then returned to the isa office i paid the rest of the money for morocco. I'm excited for that. I then went to the library on the 2nd floor ( which would be considered the 3 floor to us Americans) and hung out with alli and relaxed as i waited for Madi and Bekah to get done with class. We decided to walk back in the same direction to our house so no one would get lost. When I got back to the house I ended up cleaning up a little because It's so HOT here but then I did my spanish homework that I was Pretty simple but had to think about it. Lol after we had lunch. I ate with my host dad in the family area and watched the news we talked a bit about sports because the sports news was on. We had some kind of fish soup and a Asian stir fry and bread. It was good. It definitely filled me up. After that I went to go meet with Taryn and get our school book. We walked around too and got it. We ended up chilling at the office before class. Cortney came and we talked and asked each other how each others day was. Well cortney got lost like 3 times..poor thing I felt bad...I wouldn't wanna be lost but it can very easily happen. After our class we had our meeting for morocco. Lemme just say that morocco is going to be interesting... I'm excited but it is going to be interesting. After that we were hungry and decided to go some where to eat. We found a place that had Mexican and it had pizza. I just got a small tapa to share with the others to try and a bocadilla because I wasn't that hungry I was full from lunch still. Dinner was hilarious we definitely had a good time!!!! We laughed a lot and learned more about each other. After dinner we went somewhere else and met up with Alli and got a drink there we laughed more and had fun and took pics. There are pictures posted on Facebook so check it out! After our drink we talked about meeting after lunchtime to explore and have fun tomorrow. Can't wait to see the city on our day off because we don't have school tomorrow because it's a holiday. Until tomorrow. ( well today since its Wednesday right now in Spain and its 11:40am.) til I post about my day and our exploring.

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