
Where I will be this Summer

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Toledo a Sevilla

So today we left Toledo for our final destination...Sevilla. I woke up around 7 and got ready showered and all that jazz and packed up my stuff. Then my roommate Aries and I went down to breakfast. I had pan con chorizo and I'll olive oil and fruit ( watermelon and kiwi) and some peach juice. We had a big table of like 12/13 of us and we just sat around and talked about what we did last night and other topics. We then went our own ways to get our luggage. When I got to my room I made sure I had everything and I was set. Aries and I fitted into the elevator and went downstairs and checked out. After waiting in the lobby for like 20/25 minutes we loaded the buses. I'm on a bus with a few of the people that I have been hanging with like taryn Courtney Shelly Lauren Colton and others that I met at airport. There are three buses for Sevilla. We have three buses because each bus is taking us to a different location depending on where our host family is. I'm a little nervous to meet my host family but I should be fine I'll be myself and help out and follow the rules. For the bus we have two stops before in Sevilla a 20 min break at a rest stop to use baño and get something to drink or eat. I got a big thing of water because thirsty and gum and a little milka chocolate because haven't had one in a long time and that's it. We have a 3 hour drive til we stop for lunch which is an hour then we will be meeting our host family!!!   The scenery of our trip down to Sevilla is gorgeous... It's hilly and the green trees of all different types are here. I know I would hate driving through this area I don't know how the bus driver does it... So many turns.we went through stunner and held my breath and made  a wish but can't tell ya what that is. It also reminded me of when my family and i I were stuck outside a tunnel somewhere in Italy I believe and I had to go to the bathroom so bad because I drank like 2 liters of water and we were stuck in traffic... It was awful. We had lunch at like a little oasis In Andalucía  ... We got lunch ...I had a small thing of pasta i was going to get a bocadilla but I wanted a warm plate well let's just say wrong choice I ate like a third of it... Wasn't that taste. We had a big group of us together and we looked at the little gift shop. I walked outside to get a pic then a guy who is with the saint Edwards program and I talked about things like Peru what we are studying in school and how we like Spain so far. I can't remember his name because have met lots of people but I'll ask again lol. We will be in Sevilla by 5 pm tonight. Next blog will be about meeting my familia!

1 comment:

  1. Get that album started! We're dying to see your experiences in living color!
