
Where I will be this Summer

Thursday, May 31, 2012

No school today!!!

So my Wednesday  was nice... I slept in a little.. Until 10. I had breakfast and then showered and got ready for my day. After I showered my host mom invited me to go out with her, the kids to go and meet her aunts and nieces for a little break. I was all for it because it would be nice to meet members of their family a d mingle with locals. I met them and my host mom and her cousins had beer and myself and the two nieces had a pop... I had coca cola light and they had coca cola. I just hung out there and poole watched and listened to their conversation just to see if I could understand. The nieces and I played and listed to the little girl Eugenia  and they asked me some questions and I answered. They seemed nice and I will probably see them again. As I was people watching I noticed that a lot of people smoke here more than USA it may because we have laws that ban it or something...I know it's part of the culture but at same time don't they know it can kill you. After we had the drinks we said our goodbyes and we went back to the apartment. I helped my host mom with lunch and set the table. I brought my iPad out to write my blog yesterday and I had Eugenia sit next to me because I showed her the pics of my family and pups on it. Her mom told me that Eugenia wants a dog so bad. She is really cute. For lunch we had a chicken Ina tomato sauce with some fries and bread and some fruit. I didn't eat a whole lot but enough to fill me. After lunch I made puzzles with Eugenia and we were having fun that I lost track of the time and was late meeting with my friends to go explore. I met with bekah alli taryn Shelly cortney and we met nick on the way to the plaza España. We first wanted to see if we could see the thumb of San Fernando the patron saint of Sevilla. But we couldn't the church was closed. So we stopped in the little stores that were open and just walked along the river towards plaza España. Man it was HOT!!!! We were all hating  the heat and wanted shade. We walked through this park to get to the plaza España. The park was nice and shady for us to rest from the sun.  We saw a little kiosk and I got a water and some go some cold icees. The plaza España is gorgeous so pretty. We took pictures of the fountain the whole  plaza the tile bridges and everything. We were there for a while. We took pictures on bridges in front of the plaza and fountain from different angles and random shots lol. There were little kiosks in the plaza and the girls bought some gifts. I didn't because I'm still going to be here til July so I can look around then remember where I found things and get right before I leave. Taryn was really funny on what she wanted to was cute. We then rested in a small part of the park with shade and running water into at fountain. We felt like our feet were gross so we ended up getting into the fountain which was only 1 inch deep and it was refreshing on our feet. We then left and walked back to the cathedral. We wanted get food so we went by the university of Sevilla.on our way there we saw a big tree that looked like a smaller version of the tree at the animal kingdom in Disney world ... Except it didn't have animals carved into the roots..we took pics. We found a nice restaurant that was cheap. I got two tapas... A thing of chorizo and papas with sauces. It was good. The others got a mix of tapas paella and a sandwich I wasn't that hungry so I didn't get much. Cortney and alli got a sangria that was delicious and it had a ton of fruit pieces! After that nick went home for lunch and us girls walked a bit then sat in front of the Spanish bank because it had a little statue and talked and people watched. It was nice and relaxing and then we all no parted ways and walked to our houses. Sevilla is so pretty at night I was taking pictures. Today ( Thursday) I have class and  there is an event called  salir con los españoles  tonight and we are all going so I won't be with my family  for dinner but I will be for lunch and more before I have my class at 6 tonight. I will let you  know how my Thursday goes in next blog. I'll be posting more pictures on Facebook tonight 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Primer dia con mis clases negocio y español

Clases en SevillaWell today is the day where I had all my classes that I signed up. I am taking intermediate Spanish and international marketing. My international teacher Nano is cool. My teacher for Spanish seems nice her name is María José she reminds me a little bit of my tía gutti they share similarities in the face. Maria Jose is from Galicia , which is up in northern Spain. Class was fine, I have class with Madi and Bekah. Bekah and I sat together and we had an activity to do and we meet a girl from Kansas city and one who is from France. The girl from France shares the same name of my cousin.... Clemence! I found it interesting and then I asked her if she new where Brittany was and she knew. The first day of class was not bad pretty simple. After class I met up with Shelly and went to the bank and went to buy two notebooks for each of my classes and 2 pencils. We then returned to the isa office i paid the rest of the money for morocco. I'm excited for that. I then went to the library on the 2nd floor ( which would be considered the 3 floor to us Americans) and hung out with alli and relaxed as i waited for Madi and Bekah to get done with class. We decided to walk back in the same direction to our house so no one would get lost. When I got back to the house I ended up cleaning up a little because It's so HOT here but then I did my spanish homework that I was Pretty simple but had to think about it. Lol after we had lunch. I ate with my host dad in the family area and watched the news we talked a bit about sports because the sports news was on. We had some kind of fish soup and a Asian stir fry and bread. It was good. It definitely filled me up. After that I went to go meet with Taryn and get our school book. We walked around too and got it. We ended up chilling at the office before class. Cortney came and we talked and asked each other how each others day was. Well cortney got lost like 3 times..poor thing I felt bad...I wouldn't wanna be lost but it can very easily happen. After our class we had our meeting for morocco. Lemme just say that morocco is going to be interesting... I'm excited but it is going to be interesting. After that we were hungry and decided to go some where to eat. We found a place that had Mexican and it had pizza. I just got a small tapa to share with the others to try and a bocadilla because I wasn't that hungry I was full from lunch still. Dinner was hilarious we definitely had a good time!!!! We laughed a lot and learned more about each other. After dinner we went somewhere else and met up with Alli and got a drink there we laughed more and had fun and took pics. There are pictures posted on Facebook so check it out! After our drink we talked about meeting after lunchtime to explore and have fun tomorrow. Can't wait to see the city on our day off because we don't have school tomorrow because it's a holiday. Until tomorrow. ( well today since its Wednesday right now in Spain and its 11:40am.) til I post about my day and our exploring.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Primer Dia en Sevilla

Pues (well) my first day in Spain was quite eventful. I woke up around 7:30 and got ready. I left the apartment about 8:15am and headed to the Plaza Nueva. I brought a notebook, and my purse with camera, money and iPad because the ISA office has internet so if I had a break in between class I was going to go on it. I took the same route I took there, minus going the other direction. It was such a gorgeous day and I knew it was going to get HOT!!!. As I crossed the bridge, I met up with Ally by chance before we crossed the main street to get to the Plaza Nueva. We walked together and talked about the family we are staying with. We saw the beautiful scenery and once we reached Plaza Nueva we met up with the others. We all came from different directions, there are about 8 different ways to get to the Plaza Nueva. We all then followed Quique (another director) to the ISA office to go take our placement test. I was a little nervous for the placement test but in my head I was thinking that it was going to be fine. The classrooms at the university are small and fit about 20 students. We were handed the exam and we had 40minutes and 80questions to answer...which was similar to the practice exam on my student portal account. The exam was not too bad, there were some questions where I blanked out and thought it could have been one of two answers and then there were some that I knew what it was and yeah. I freaked out a little on the last page because time was almost up but i finished. After that we all were in the main lobby of the ISA office discussing the exam and discussing what we thought of it and where we would be placed. Before we left to part ways, we were told to return at 1:45pm to get our schedule. We all then took a small walking tour of Sevilla with Quique and saw where things were and such. After a few of us wanted a cafe (not me because I don't drink coffee) to get something to drink and light to eat. We went to a cafeteria and each got something small, because we were not that hungry. We then walked around the streets and looked at shops and window shopped.  We decided to go see the cathedral, on our way to the cathedral we saw people protesting about was kind of loud and annoying and I thought it was disrespectful to do it in front of the cathedral but that is me. We walked into the cathedral and the alter was gorgeous and the details inside were quite pretty. A few of us talked about going to a service and I believe we are going to one this Sunday. We then left the cathedral and walked around some more. We sat by the First Spanish bank and chilled, we people watched a bit (which is always fun, wherever you are). We saw gypsy women handing out rosemary and we kept our distance from them. WE walked around more before we headed back to the ISA office to get our schedule. Once we got to the office, we kind of cooled off (the office has AC...yay). Getting our schedules was interesting, it took awhile but we were patient. Some had class right at two so they went to class and the rest of us went to do what we wanted. Cortney and I decided to go sit somewhere and get something to drink and eat the bocadillos that our host family had given us. It was nice, because I go to know Cortney a little bit more and where she lives and such. When we were at lunch we were aproached by people hwo begged for money and we ignored them because that is what we have been told to do so we did. I feel bad but at the same time when you give into them, they will ask for more and more. Once we were done with lunch she and I walked around and then Taryn called me and we met up with her and walked more and met up with Shelly and Bekah and explored. We had class at 6 (myself, taryn and cortney and bekah and Shelly had one at 4), we found a Flamenco Museum which was just down some side street by our ISA office and we looked around and saw that they give English tours on Thursdays and we also found out that if we wanted to, we could take a flamenco class (we all want to do it) Once we got back to the ISA office, we decided to chill around there and kinda relax so we went to the 2nd floor and looked at the library. Taryn and I looked at books of Morocco, because we are going there next week and Ally then met up with us there. WE were relaxing and then I called my family (the ones who live in IL) and Phi and talked to them for a bit and texted Becca, Phi, Timmy. It was nice and peaceful. When it got closer to 6, Taryn and Cortney and myself decided to see if our international marketing book was in the library and it was so we looked through it, we met our teacher a little bit before we started class. Once it was 6 we entered the class and sat down. Our teacher's name is Alfonso Osuna but we can call him Nano (like the iPod nano...that is what he referred his name We took attendance and did small introductions, learned about him and he actually atteneded CMU (Central Michigan University) for undergrad and grad school...interesting). WE went over rules and what is expected of the class. He told us funny stories of examples of what not to do after teaching for 14 years. He is a funny guy and it seems like I will like his class. After class, all the students with ISA Sevilla had to meet up to go to a meeting at a hotel and a reception/ welcome dinner. We (Taryn, Cortney and I) met up with the other group of girls we have been going around places with and we talked about our day and what we did and how class was then we left the ISA Office around 815.The hotel was kinda far (like i mentioned my legs and glutes are gonna look Once we were at the hotel, we went into a conference room and listened and such; it was mostly about the insurance and the activities to come up this week. Not long and not boring, quick and simple. We then headed to the hotels pool for the welcome dinner, we had some tapas de mariscos and paella con mariscos and pollo...some traditional spanish food. We sat together as best we could at a table that fits four and there were 6 of us at one table. We mingled with others and the directors and then decided to leave around 10ish pm. We took the same way we got there because it would be simple and none of us wanted to walk along because we are not yet familiar with the area.  Taryn and Cortney went off their way and the rest of us (bekah, madi, jessica, ally, shelly and I) headed towards the other way. Sevilla is pretty at night with all the lights and such.  We talked about plans tomorrow and where to meet up and such and then we each departed ways. Shelly was first to go, then the rest of us went one way for awhile then Madi and Jessica went another way. Ally and I walked Bekah to her bridge that she needed to cross and Ally and i walked to our bridge that we needed to cross then went our own way. I was the one who suggested to text or call each other to let us know that we each made it safe to our own house and we did...go us for not getting lost!!!! Tomorrow i have two classes and a meeting with a lot of free time. I have a class at 9 and 6 so I  will be having lunch with my host family and maybe a siesta then meeting with some of the girls before class around 430 then class and a hang out with the girls after our morocco meeting. Busy and full day! Hasta manana!!! Buenas Noches

Host Family and Sevilla

After lunch we still had a two hour drive to Sevilla (my final destination). As we got closer, I was getting nervous to meet my host family, I wasn't sure if they would like me or if I would like them. We arrive like 15 minutes at our stop where our host family is to meet us and my stomach was churning; i was really nervous, I wanted to curl up in a ball and rock (that's what i do when I am nervous). Once I got off the bus, I saw a tall, tan man with a cute little girl on his side, and right then and there I knew that was my host family. I retrieved my luggage and waited for MJ (one of the directors) to call my name. She called my name and I was right, the tall, tan man was my host father and the little girl was my host sister. I met them and gave a kiss on each cheek (which is a common in Spain) and we went to the car. The little girl was really cute, she helped my pull my small carry on. We then got into the car and it was quiet for a bit then started talking. I talked to my host dad about me and where I am from then the little one started talking to me about Hello Kitty. It was about a 10 minute drive from our pick-up spot to the apartment. Once arrived to the apartment, I met my host mother and the other little girl (another host sister) again I gave a kiss to each one on the cheeks. My host mother showed me her room and I set my luggage down. I have a bed, night stand, wardrobe, bathroom and a small desk. It's cute. After I put my luggage in my room I went to the family area and sat with the family and gave them gifts, that I had brought with me for them. They enjoyed their gifts and were thankful. We then started talking in spanish about me and what I like to do and I asked questions about the rules, when lunch is and etc. I was polite, and used the best of my spanish I could. They said that they could understand me and that with words that I do not know how to say, I just explain what the word is. It's kinda nice to think to explain because it helps me to remember what the word is. After about an hour/ hour and a half, I decided to unpack my things. I told my host family that I was going to meet up with some friends from the program to find the Plaza Nueva, because the next day we would have to meet there in the morning to then go take a placement test for the spanish class (eekk haven't taken a spanish class for a semester). I ended up meeting up Shelly at the Plaza Nueva around 730ish/745; I was going in the wrong direction of the plaza for about 5minutes before I realized it but I found it. My walk to the Plaza Nueva is gorgeous, I pass by the third largest Cathedral in the world, also the place where Columbus is buried. There are nice stores down the street and it's about a 15min/20min walk; so not too bad. With all this walking; in Madrid, Toledo and now Sevilla, my legs and glutes are gonna be firm and look good. LOL. . As I was waiting for her to get to the Plaza Nueva, I met up with the guy I was talking to at lunch...his name is Brady and he is with the St. Edwards program, him and his roommate Bradley were looking for the ISA office and I thought it would be a good idea to go and I suggested we wait for Shelly; so we did. Once Shelly met us at the centro de la Plaza, we also met up with two other kids, John and Nick. We all went on an adventure to find this can get so CONFUSED!!! I ended up leading for a bit since I am good at directions (most of the time) but the little side streets on the maps do not show up on the map that I was given so I was getting frustrated and let someone else take the role of me I did not end up finding it because I had to hurry back for Dinner at 9pm. I returned to the apartment around 8:50pm. I cleaned up a bit and asked my host family if they needed help; but they didn't so I ended up sitting with the two little girls in the family area. We had burger meat, that was friend a little with breading about the size of my palm, some jamon (ham) and cheese and a yogurt for dinner. In Spain, lunch is the biggest meal. At dinner we ate and had a nice conversation and watched the news. I was able to understand the news and I asked questions about Sevilla and they asked me questions about Chicago and the States. It was a nice conversation and not too long. When it was getting late, I helped clean up the table and then said good night and pretty much passed out. I made sure to set two alarms to get up and shower for my First Day in Sevilla with meetings and classes...wish me luck!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Toledo a Sevilla

So today we left Toledo for our final destination...Sevilla. I woke up around 7 and got ready showered and all that jazz and packed up my stuff. Then my roommate Aries and I went down to breakfast. I had pan con chorizo and I'll olive oil and fruit ( watermelon and kiwi) and some peach juice. We had a big table of like 12/13 of us and we just sat around and talked about what we did last night and other topics. We then went our own ways to get our luggage. When I got to my room I made sure I had everything and I was set. Aries and I fitted into the elevator and went downstairs and checked out. After waiting in the lobby for like 20/25 minutes we loaded the buses. I'm on a bus with a few of the people that I have been hanging with like taryn Courtney Shelly Lauren Colton and others that I met at airport. There are three buses for Sevilla. We have three buses because each bus is taking us to a different location depending on where our host family is. I'm a little nervous to meet my host family but I should be fine I'll be myself and help out and follow the rules. For the bus we have two stops before in Sevilla a 20 min break at a rest stop to use baño and get something to drink or eat. I got a big thing of water because thirsty and gum and a little milka chocolate because haven't had one in a long time and that's it. We have a 3 hour drive til we stop for lunch which is an hour then we will be meeting our host family!!!   The scenery of our trip down to Sevilla is gorgeous... It's hilly and the green trees of all different types are here. I know I would hate driving through this area I don't know how the bus driver does it... So many turns.we went through stunner and held my breath and made  a wish but can't tell ya what that is. It also reminded me of when my family and i I were stuck outside a tunnel somewhere in Italy I believe and I had to go to the bathroom so bad because I drank like 2 liters of water and we were stuck in traffic... It was awful. We had lunch at like a little oasis In Andalucía  ... We got lunch ...I had a small thing of pasta i was going to get a bocadilla but I wanted a warm plate well let's just say wrong choice I ate like a third of it... Wasn't that taste. We had a big group of us together and we looked at the little gift shop. I walked outside to get a pic then a guy who is with the saint Edwards program and I talked about things like Peru what we are studying in school and how we like Spain so far. I can't remember his name because have met lots of people but I'll ask again lol. We will be in Sevilla by 5 pm tonight. Next blog will be about meeting my familia!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Madrid a Toledo

So today woke up at 630 and got ready because we had to be in the lobby at 9 am with our luggage and I have a carry on a big bag and a backpack so I got a lot and the big bag is half of me or more. Lol. Well around 745 I went down to breakfast and had fruit and pan and some mango and pear juice. It was nice. When I was done I went to the room and got my stuff and took the elevator down... Definitely beat the crowd lol yay go me!! We walked to the bus in group which happened to be a block and a half away and we definitely looked like tourists haha but it's all good. I boarded bus once my luggage was on bus and then I brought backpack on bus with me and wrote the dia en Madrid blog. I sat with Shelly on our way to Toledo. We knew we were gonna be walking and have a mandatory meeting so I took a nap on bus so I could survive. I woke up at right moment when we arrived in Toledo. I took a bunch of pics from us and then when our tour guide boarded the bus we then stopped at a few sites and got out and looked around. We then got off and started our walking tour. We went to a Montessori and we had a Spanish speaking guide for our tour. She talked kind of fast but she was pleasant and nice. We walked around saw a mosque and the cathedral in Toledo. Toledo is the old capital of Spain before Madrid. In Toledo there is a lot of influencia de Los arabes judíos y católicas. It's very interesting here! When we drove into Toledo everyone was in awe because its so different from Madrid. I find Toledo like the Europe you expect to see for me it kind of reminds me parts of France where my family and I have visited. Our guide took us into the little streets with shops and we window shopped kinda of like Verona Italy ... We also saw one of Greco's famous paintings in a museo but could take pic because pics were forbidden and I don't wanna get in trouble. We then had time for lunch so we walked around looking for a place to go. We couldn't for a while but then we found a statue of Miguel Cervantes and took a picture with him like as a group then just me!!! Miguel Cervantes is like Shakespeare to us Americans he wrote don Quijote. We then found a nice cervecería and the girls ( Kelsey madi Shelly taryn ally Becca and Courtney and me) ate at. It was nice and we were in the sun and I got some color ( yay tan) lol we the walked around looking at shops and we see a lot of fans here and taryn and I want to buy one but they will be cheaper in the south so we are anxiously waiting. We met up with the group around 4pm to go to our hotel. The hotel we are staying at is called hotel Beatriz it's quite nice and pretty, it's in the modern part of Toledo away from the historic sites. Plus there is FREE wifi...yeah buddy! The rooms are nice and bigger than those in Madrid. The hotel itself is quite busy because there are like 3 weddings and 2/3 communions happening at the hotel. The group of girls i Hang out with decided it be best to take a nap before our meeting so we did. The meeting was not bad... Not too bad mostly stuff on culture and what to expect for tomorrow and to see which bus we are on tomo because we meet our host family Tomo .. Little nervous but excited to settle instead of constant moving around and hauling my luggage everywhere lol. After the meeting we decided to go get food do we over heard another group going tow pizzeria and I asked them where it was and that we will meet them because we were waiting on people. Well let's just say it was an adventure but we found our way and we got some help From a nice lady who helped us to get to the street we needed to. It was just myself taryn Becca Courtney ally and Shelly who went to dinner we ordered a large pizza margarita it wasn't like an American pizza at least to me it was nice we each had a slice and each had a third of a slice. I had thT and a cocacola light aka diet come. We then took our trip back to the hotel and then decided to call it a night and we are all meeting up for breakfast at 8. Tomo is going to be a long day and a long day on a bus so I'm charging up m electronics. Well until tomorrow... Buenas noches todas!

Día en Madrid

Dia en Madrid So my full day of Madrid was awesome. Woke up around 730 because I was gonna walk with my friend madi but the hours were set hour back on her phone. So I was up and did some stuff on. Internet. Then got some breakfast... Some plain yogurt fruit n pan con jamon. Then got ready and then we went on a tour of the city which is what we were supposed to do on first day. It was nice we saw the city then we were dropped off at the real palacio where the royals use for special events but do not live in... They actually live outside the city of Madrid. It also has over 2000 rooms. We then walked around going to different plazas and seeing the architecture. there is architecture that represents the arabic influence Spain but not much but you can pic up things. We also went to the plaza mayor which was quite interesting because today is day that there was s big fútbol game between Barcelona and Bilbao ...they are huge rivals people all over came to watch game. It was interesting and different because us American love fútbol Americano aka football. We also saw a mercado that is market that had you buying food drinks in a decent size was packed and smelled good. We also went to the plaza del sol which was cool its a big plaza. After that we went to lunch. Kinda had a hard time to find the street we wanted because there ar so many side streets and we kinda went in a circle and we finally figured it out when we asked a police officer for directions in spanish. We stopped by a small cafe. The waiters were nice and I talked to one of them explaining why we are here and such and all in Spanish!!! Lol. There were 8 of us so I sat with Becca and madi and then Kelsey David Shelly and ally sat at the other table. I had a croissant with chorizo in beer for lunch and Becca had same and madi had a beer and salmon tosta. After that we walked on calle atocha back to the hotel then wee went on a trip to el museo del Prado which we say painting fromm Goya Greco Velázquez it was really cool the museum but we couldnt take pictures :-( but I like art and enjoyed it. By the end of the tour I was pooped out and ready for a siesta. After the tour of the museum we all decided to either go nap or eat well I chose sleep and went to bed for 2 hours. We all met in the lobby around 730 and we decided to go out and go eat and find a spot to watch the fútbol, game. We ended up meeting up with Taryns friend who is here in Spain for grad school her name is Sara We went to a restaurant with her and met up with some of her friends. We ended up meting up at the plaza del sol. We the took the metro which was cool only a euro and 50 cent euro ( idk how u say the sent part of the euro lol. I'll have to google) we took the metro to a more residential area and went to a restaurant called the drunken duck. It was really nice and chill. We ordered food and watch the game. I had minisalchicas which is I'll sausages and it came with fries. I enjoyed it but didn't finish. I also got a drink that Sara suggested and it's very common in Spain it's called cerveza con limón or a beer with some lemon fanta..l have realized that fanta is very popular here. We had fun and took the camera out and we all took pics of the group ( for most of us it's of people we are traveling with because most of the pics thus far are of things I've seen in Spain like buildings and statues not of people or myself lol) we were out til about 12 and we took the metro back to the stop right by our hotel. Once I got back I was on the Internet for a bit then passed out in my bed on my last night in Madrid ... I have to get up early because going toledo in the morning and there are only two elevators and I have big bags lol so gonna get down to lobby early. Ok hasta mañana.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Día 1 parte 2

Parte dos well the hotel we are staying at is amazing!!! Se llama NH Nacional super nice and I have made some friends so yay go me! Lol yesterday a few of us we're hungry so myself plus three girls ( Shelly from GA, jesicca from MI and maddie from OKLAHOMA.) they are nice girls we we t out to this restaurants for tapas bec we weren't that hungry so we went to this cafe called los zuritos it was good I got a tosta which is nice toasted bread with some topping I had foie confitura de manzana y virutas de jamón ...or in English it's Foe ( which idk what it is it's some kind of fruit preserve ) apple preserve with shaved ham on toasted bread ... This was quite tastes or TASTE lol...I had a nice bear with it too. The others got a seafood tosta one thT was like a quiche and another that was a type of fried chicken with a nice sauce. Mad die had a nice red wine and the others had water and sangria. We walked around a bit just up la calle ( calle = street) atocha ( Madrid is very hilly... Great workout for legs lol) we walked around til it was siesta time ( that's where stores close and people take time for themselves and relax) we then got back to the hotel for meeting but I took a small nap. Meeting was interesting at times just like an orientation. We were gonna do a bus tour last night but stuff was going on in the city so we couldnt so the girls plus some new faces and I walked along another calle and found another cafe this one was called cafe Amanda. The lady who served us was nice and we each got some food and a drink I had a nice Spanish white wine and in sandwich for my dinner even though dinner should at 9-11pm but I am still adjusting to the Spanish ways. We walked around then we de died to go back to the hotel and relax and then meet up later to go out and see what the people of madrid do at night. We knew a few members of our group were goin out but we were wanting to chill so we went to a nice cute and cheap place for a drink. I got a common beer that spainards drink. The other had wine and sangria we watched people and got to know each other then we came back to hotel and I called and emailed people back Ann states then it was time to hit the hay... Sleep is good... Can't wait for more adventures in madrid ...till then.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Día uno parte 1

Spain day 1So today was quite intense. I was nervous for mmy flight and wanted to make sure I had enough time and that I got through security and such...well I did and I'm glad. My daddy and phi dropped me off at the airport which was nice. Dad mentioned to wait a little but the longer I would wait to get through security I would be sad and my eyes would have tears lol. Once passed through security I went straight to the gate k19 and chilled I was texting and on facebook. For awhile it was just me and a few people then when it was about 2 hours bore departure more people came. Right before w started boarding i went to find an outlet that worked so i could charge my cell for a little and i met some nice people, one from KY and the other from chicago..they seemed micr and coo...always nice to make friends in new places. With Iberia they do things backwards lol instead of boarding those closes to front after business and first class they do from back of plane to front which makes sense but at same time they were kinda disorganized when actually boarding people. See Iberia gate and British airways share the same desk so you can enter the gate on either side, well on one side he boarded business and first class but then on other they boarded the rest but no one knew so there was a lot of going back and forth. I was a little annoyed but at least we weren't delayed hours so can't complain. I do miss my family and friends but I know that this experience will be the best for me and I will have fun and love it . Well once I was on the plane I got my seat and sat down just waiting for the person next to me to come and it ended up being a nice woman who is from Spain, we didn't talk much at first because I was watching a movie ( this means war, which is quite funny I did laugh aloud at times when the flight attendants brought us our food ( which was quite yummy.. Chicken mashed potatoes and green beans, tuna salad, bread roll and a cheesecake.. Didn't eat all because wasn't really hungry yet but it was better than I thought it would be) we started talking and I actually used my Spanish and talked a little with her and she understands me so that's a good sign and she said that I will have a great time in Seville and with my Spanish i will be fine. I also find it funny how the flight attendants just speak Spanish to me instead of English and I'm used to it because of my awesome natural tan. Lol but it's nice because then that way i will become more comfortable with speaking ( which I find as my weakness) but I will improve... Yay!!! So took about a 3 hour nap it isn't much but it's some sleep... I guess my body is anxious for Spain plus it kinda sucks to sleep on a plane because it takes me forever to find a comfortable's cool to see the sun rise thought from being so far's pretty